Thursday, April 14, 2011

Directions: Pop a bag of Popcorn, recline and read.

Courtesy of Continental Airlines, this is my first paid blog post. I didn't know they were fans of my writing!?!?

OK, so they don't know they're fans either, but here's the deal:

They overbooked our flight and offered a $400 dollar voucher to anyone willing to take the next flight out.

Uh, duh. We'll do that!

Aaaaand they've given me $12 for dinner; it's just enough for a banana, a bottle of water, and a loaded cobb salad. Yumm.

So, on behalf of my dinner, the time to write this post and whatever trip they've just made easier on our pocketbook (do people say pocketbook anymore?), Thank you, Continental! (And thanks to my husband for his support :)

Now, let's talk wedding!

I have to apologize in advance for all of the things I will forget to mention, and even more for all of the things I don't know how to mention...

One of the magical things about weddings is all of the people who come through for you to make sure that everything you do and do not know about gets done. Gah, we had like thirty talented, joyful, tireless people who contributed to that special day and we are struck dumb with gratitude. Literally.

Thank you so much for _____________________. We want to high five you for _______________________. And if you hadn't done _______________________, who knows where we'd be!

OK, now here are some things I do know about our wedding that contributed to making it the best ever.

1) My bridesmaids kick total ass. Each one of them took days out of their schedules to follow me around, do my makeup, pick up guests, pick up coffees, pick up last minute shoes, unstack a billion chairs, light a thousand candles, throw me ra-diculous parties, give me massages, laugh at my jokes and save the world. etc.

They made me feel beautiful, they made me feel special and they made me certain, a thousand times over, that Jesus loves me and he loves my friends and he gave us to each other.

2) Our families are rock stars. Steven and I have amazing brothers who give great speeches and/or dance with their sister. They all helped set up, take down and transport stuff and people all weekend and we are certain that no brothers are as great as ours. Not to mention aunts and uncles and cousins who came early and stayed late to make our day happen. Aunt Ashley, thanks for my beautiful hair!

3) Our Parents. Bam. It's scientifically proven and emotionally supported that no child can adequately thank their parents for all that they do. Steven and I are exhibit A proof. Our parents gifted us the most beautiful wedding and reception, fed us a deLICious rehearsal dinner, listened to us, worked hard-core to make sure we had everything we wanted/needed, and then showed up looking goooooooood to support us. Our moms only cried a lot and not a ton (ha. kidding.) and our dads smiled and kept things cool. We love them. Everyone loves them. Half of our guest list was made up of people who came just because they love our parents and that is awesome.

4)The Stones drove up from Texas with the always charming Charlotte to be a part of our wedding. If being in love with eachother weren't motivation enough, Steven and I might have gotten married just to bring them back to Kansas.

5) Josh Vaughn is a great DJ and friend.

6) Rick Pardee is the most humble and talented light stringer EVER.

7) Jeannie Gish plays the piano so beautifully, I would pay her to set my entrance every where I go. Seriously.

8) My ACME Gift ladies made sure I had every flower I dreamed of on every table I wanted them. I hope you noticed the vases and crazy-great assortment of flowers and I hope you know to hook them up with some biiiz-nessss because they will not disappoint. And basically, Jenny Willis is the most genuinely happy person I've ever met- get some of her in your life STAT.

9) Jeff Moore is an easy going, good-humored photographer and he made us very happy. I can't wait for you all to see the amazing pictures he/we took!

10) Lowman United Methodist was a beautiful and meaningful setting for our wedding and we are so thankful for the space and all of the hands that went in to preparing it.

11) Our guests- our friends and family- were amazing. I'm still blown away by all of the different places in the world that were represented at our wedding, not to mention all of the different seasons of our lives (Peace Corps, work, school, church etc). We love you all so much. Thank you for taking the time out of your lives to be there. We are so so so so blessed. Now come over and eat dinner with us!

Ultimately, however, the best and most awesome part of the day was/is Steven. Not only was he present throughout the planning as an ear for ideas, a shoulder to whine on, and smile to encourage, he is constantly loving and glad to have me. His confidence in the days leading up to the wedding and his willingness to share me with my friends was such a blessing. Standing in front of him, in front of all of you, was totally ordained in some heavenly place and I love him.


I've probably forgotten things... Maybe you're glad that I did because this was a marathon post and you're tired! Just know, this post only ended because I had to catch a flight and not because I didn't have twenty thousand other things to say about why our wedding was perfect because you're perfect.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Thoughts before the flight

Are you familiar with the windstorm we had in Kansas a few days ago? It wasn't a classified tornado, but it sure shook things up for people.

"Where was the warning?"

"Where are my shingles?"

"Where the EFF did my fence go?!?"

So I ask, what looks like a tornado, acts like a tornado and smells like a tornado?

The days before and after a wedding.

Steven and I have belongings everywhere; things we set down and have yet to pick back up. If you find a shoe or a purse, it's mine. Give it back.

But seriously, our sleeping has been exchanged for moving in to the apartment and figuring out where to put a TON of awesome gifts with a limited space and we need a dresser, STAT. We went to bed at 2:00am and woke up again at 3:00am to make our flight to Baltimore and I am feeling the days of non-stop activity in the tightness of my flats on my swollen feet.

It's pretty awesome to be married, as new and foreign as it still is. I keep thinking: My mom's finger nails are still a golden shade to match her dress; Some of our friends and family who came from so far away have yet to return to their homes; I still have some time before I have to go to work... and so on. Just all those details that were so significant of our BIG DAY that are still lingering in the corners of its completion.

We're married. It happened and it happened fast and I wasn't ready to let it go.

But now, it's time to start new things. I'm still super torn about giving up my name. Steven and I have talked about it, how it becomes a part of your identity and he agrees it would be hard to let that go. I'm glad I still have some time to figure it out; to try on a different name, see how it fits, see how it feels.

And of course, in a very short amount of time, we'll be moving to the East Coast. Holy crab cakes, Batman!

I just wanted to tell you all that I'm going to write a wedding post to rock your world. That I would stand up on the security scanner right here in this air port and shout to the KCI world that my friends and family are the best in the world if it wouldn't hurt our plans.

Thank you thank you thankyouadsf;lkjas;ldfja;lsd, for all you did to fill up that sanctuary and reception with love and joy and encouragement. We can't think of a better way to start our life together than with all of you surrounding us.

I wish you love.

Catch you on the flip-side!

Love, Us.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday in Manhattan

The closer Steven and I get to the wedding, the less I sleep. I sort of fade in and out from sleepy wedding planning to full on wedding obsession.

BAM! We're getting married!

But also, my friend Mel gets married ta-day. As in, at four o'clock this afternoon.

It feels really good to be in Manhattan, where I met her and where her friends became my friends and mine became hers. We're not freshman anymore, but we sure as hell dance and giggle like we'll be young forever.

So how awesome is it to be awake at six, pre-heating the oven for breakfast casserole and playing with each others hair? Ridiculously awesome.

And it's really special to be girls on the verge of bride-dom, taking a deep breath together, knowing that our intendeds are somewhere close by and waiting.

Congratulations, Mel and Mike! I think you're great :)